ZNÍŽENÁ CENA! Slnečný dom s krásnym pozemkom, altánkom, jazierkom a dvojgarážou, Žilina. Cena: 370.000€

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370 000 €

Detail of the offer

Offer number: ZA015041


ZNÍŽENÁ CENA! Exkluzívne v zastúpení majiteľa Vám ponúkame na predaj priestranný rodinný dom s dvomi bytovými jednotkami, ktorý je vďaka dispozícii a stavbám ideálny pre pohodlné bývanie dvoch generácií pod jednou strechou, či pre početnú rodinu alebo môže nový vlastník pohodlne spojiť bývanie s podnikaním. Dom ponúka dostatok priestoru pre realizáciu aktivít, oddych a rodinné stretnutia. Celková podlahová plocha domu je 220 m2 a je rozdelená na dve samostatné časti.  Na spodnej úrovni sa nachádza 4-izbový byt s dostatkom priestoru pre celú rodinu. Vrchná časť domu je venovaná presvetlenému a priestrannému 2-izbovému bytu, ideálnemu pre mladý pár, seniorov alebo je vhodný na  podnikanie či kanceláriu, keďže do druhej bytovej jednotky je samostatný vstup. Poloha nehnuteľnosti prináša maximálny komfort bývania. Veľkorysý pozemok s rozlohou 1562 m²  poskytuje dostatok slnka aj intimity. 

Spodný byt:

  • 3 spálne
  • Priestranná obývačka s krbom 
  • Veľká kuchyňa s dostatkom úložného priestoru, jedálenskou časťou a špajzou
  • Vlastná kúpeľňa a WC
  • Vstupná hala 
  • Terasa s výhľadom do okolia

Vrchný byt:

  • Kuchyňa s jedálenským kútom 
  • Obývacia izba
  • Priestranná spálňa 
  • Vlastná kúpeľňa a WC


  • Pivnica
  • Práčovňa so sušiarňou
  • Technická miestnosť ( plynový kotol )


  • Rozsiahly pozemok s rozlohou 1562 m2
  • Dve garáže pre pohodlné parkovanie na 3 autá
  • Skleník a jazierko
  • Priestranný altánok na grilovanie a relax ( krb, posedenie pre 6 osôb, umývačka riadu )
  • Dostatok priestoru na rôzne voľnočasové aktivity, ako je pestovanie zeleniny, chov domácich zvierat, grilovanie, športové aktivity a hry pre deti

Ďalšie benefity:

  • Dom je v dobrom stave a nevyžaduje si veľké investície
  • Nachádza sa v pokojnej lokalite s dobrou dostupnosťou do mesta
  • Krásna príroda v okolí
  • V blízkosti škola, škôlka, obchod a zástavka SAD
  • 3 parkovacie miesta pred domom plus 3 garážové státia

Výhody dvojgeneračného domu:

  • Blízkosť rodiny: Bývanie s blízkymi umožňuje vzájomnú pomoc a podporu, no zároveň zachováva súkromie oboch generácií.
  • Zdieľanie nákladov: Spoločné financovanie prevádzky domu znižuje náklady na bývanie pre obe strany.
  • Vhodný pre rôzne životné etapy: Dom je ideálny pre rodiny s deťmi, seniorov, ale aj pre mladé páry, ktoré sa chcú osamostatniť či spojenie domova s prácou/podnikaním.
  • Flexibilita: Dispozíciu domu je možné upraviť podľa individuálnych potrieb a požiadaviek.


Obec Višňové poskytuje svojim obyvateľom vhodné podmienky pre život, čo dokazuje kontinuálny nárast počtu obyvateľov. V obci sú vybudované všetky inžinierske siete (elektrická energiavodazemný plyn i kanalizácia), obecný rozhlaskáblová televízia, opravujú a rozširujú sa cestné komunikácie. Vo Višňovom je taktiež vybudovaná voľne dostupná wifi zóna, meteostanica. Ochranu majetku a bezpečnosť na frekventovaných lokalitách pomáha zabezpečovať kamerový systém.

Občania i návštevníci obce majú k dispozícii kultúrny dom, materskú i základnú školu, telocvičňu, multifunkčné ihrisko, nákupné stredisko, penzión, pizzériu, pohostinstvá, poštu, ambulanciu praktického lekára či kaderníctvo. Pre deti sú vybudované 4 detské ihriská a obyvateľom najmä v letnom období slúži na relax areál kúpaliska s plážovým ihriskom. Spojenie s mestom zabezpečujú prímestské linky SAD Žilina.

Cena: 370.000€. Tento príjemný rodinný dom s čarovným pozemkom je k dispozícii ihneď, kúpou voľný. Nájdete na stránke realityMGM.sk pod ID ZA015041.  Call centrum tel: 0910 86 11 86

Type of property Houses
Advert Category Sale
Property status
Floor area 220 m2
County Žilinský kraj
District Žilina
Town Višňové

Žilina Region

The Žilina Region (Slovak: Žilinský kraj; Polish: Kraj zyliński) is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts (okresy) and 315 municipalities, from which 18 have a town status. The region was established in 1923, however, in its present borders exists from 1996. It is more industrial region with several large towns. Žilina is region administrative center and a strong cultural environment is in Martin.


It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 688,851 (2011). The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians. Some of the mountain ranges in the region include Javorníky, the Lesser Fatra and the Greater Fatra in the west, Oravská Magura, Chočské vrchy, Low Tatras and Western Tatras in the east. Whole area belongs to the Váh river basin. Some of its left tributaries are Turiec and Rajčanka rivers and its right tributaries Belá, Orava and Kysuca. National parks on the region's territory are the Lesser, Greater Fatra, Low Tatras and Tatra; landscape protected areas are Strážovské vrchy, Kysuce and Horná Orava. The region borders Prešov Region in the east, Banská Bystrica Region in the south, Trenčín Region in the south-west and west, Czech Zlín Region and Moravian-Silesian Region in the north-west and Polish Silesian and Lesser Poland voivodeships in the north and north-east.


After the fall of Great Moravia in the early 9th century, the area became part of the Kingdom of Hungary in the 12th century practically to 1918. Before the break it was part of the Hungarian counties of Trenčín, Turiec, Orava and Lipto. After incorporation into Czechoslovakia, the counties continued to exist under their Slovak names of Trenčín, Turiec, Orava and Liptov, but only to 1923, when they were replaced by (grand) counties ((veľ)župy) From 1928 it was part of the administrative unit "Slovak Land". During the WWII Slovak Republic, the area was split between Trenčín and Tatra counties. Since 1928 it was part of the administrative after reincorporation into Czechoslovakia in 1945, the pre-war state was restored. In 1949-1960 there was a unit with the name Žilina Region but it was abolished in 1960 and the area became part of new Central Slovak Region, of which it was part until 1990 (except 1969-70) when it was abolished. After the independence of Slovakia in 1993, the current region was established in 1996. Since the administrative regions became autonomous in 2002, it is governed by the Žilina Self-Governing Region.


The population density in the region is 102 inhabitants per km². The largest towns are Žilina, Martin, Liptovský Mikuláš, Ružomberok and Čadca. The level of urbanization is relatively low, with about 50% of the population living in the towns, with the Námestovo District having the lowest urbanization in the whole of Slovakia, only 15%. According to the 2001 census, there were 692,332 inhabitants in the region, almost wholly Slovaks (97.5%), with small minorities of Czechs (<1%) and Roma (<0.5%).[1]


From the stagnation in the 1990s the region now enjoys relative prosperity. Main employers are industry and tourism. The river Váh valley, which runs across the entire region, forms a strong industrial base with wood pulp and engineering factories as well as Volkswagen and Kia plants in Žilina and Martin.[2]


Slovakia's roots can be traced to the 9th century state of Great Moravia. Subsequently, the Slovaks became part of the Hungarian Kingdom, where they remained for the next 1,000 years. Following the formation of the dual Austro-Hungarian monarchy in 1867, language and education policies favoring the use of Hungarian (Magyarization) resulted in a strengthening of Slovak nationalism and a cultivation of cultural ties with the closely related Czechs, who were under Austrian rule. After the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at the close of World War I, the Slovaks joined the Czechs to form Czechoslovakia. During the interwar period, Slovak nationalist leaders pushed for autonomy within Czechoslovakia, and in 1939 Slovakia became an independent state allied with Nazi Germany. Following World War II, Czechoslovakia was reconstituted and came under communist rule within Soviet-dominated Eastern Europe. In 1968, an invasion by Warsaw Pact troops ended the efforts of the country's leaders to liberalize communist rule and create "socialism with a human face," ushering in a period of repression known as "normalization." The peaceful "Velvet Revolution" swept the Communist Party from power at the end of 1989 and inaugurated a return to democratic rule and a market economy. On 1 January 1993, the country underwent a nonviolent "velvet divorce" into its two national components, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Slovakia joined both NATO and the EU in the spring of 2004 and the euro zone on 1 January 2009.

Location: Central Europe, south of Poland

Geographic coordinates: 48 40 N, 19 30 E
  total: 49,035 sq km
  land: 48,105 sq km
  water: 930 sq km
  country comparison to the world: 131
  total: 1,611 km
  border countries (5): Austria 105 km, Czech Republic 241 km, Hungary 627 km, Poland 541 km, Ukraine 97 km
  temperate; cool summers; cold, cloudy, humid winters
 rugged mountains in the central and northern part and lowlands in the south
  lowest point: Bodrok River 94 m
  highest point: Gerlachovsky Stit 2,655 m
  agricultural land: 40.1%
  arable land 28.9%; permanent crops 0.4%; permanent pasture 10.8%
  forest: 40.2%
  other: 19.7% (2011 est.)