Predaj 4 izb. rodinný dom, Kostolište, Cena: 399.000€

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399 000 €

Detail of the offer

Offer number: ZA014935


Ponúkame Vám na predaj 4 izbový rodinný dom, úžitková plocha 130 m2 + 40 m2 garáž v obci Kostolište na Hobovej ulici.

Dom je dokončený vrátane štandardu (podlahy, dlažby, obklady, sanita, interiérové dvere a zárubne, vymaľované steny na bielo, osadené vypínače a zásuvky, predpríprava na alarm, vonkajšie elektrické žalúzie a fotovoltiku) a je dobre dispozične riešený. Pozostáva z 3 izieb (12,1 m², 13,5 m², 14,8 m²), kuchyne prepojenej s obývačkou (62,7 m² + prechod na terasu 15 m²), technickej miestnosti, 2 kúpeľní (4,4 m², 7,7 m²), šatníka (6,8 m²) a garáže s elektrickou bránou pre 2 autá (40 m²). Pozemok je rovinatý, slnečný, oplotený betónovým oplotením, na pozemku je studňa, položené závlahy a je zatrávnený.

Video prehliadka: Predaj 4 izb. rodinný dom, Kostolište (

Lokalita: dom sa nachádza na Aleji Martina Benku, časť obce Kostolište s novšou výstavbou prevažne rodinných domov. Obec je vzdialená 3 km od okresného mesta Malacky s kompletnou občianskou vybavenosťou.

MGM Reality zabezpečia všetky náležitosti / služby ohľadom kúpy a predaja Vašej nehnuteľnosti.

Túto ponuku nájdete na stránke pod ID ZA014935. Call centrum tel: 0910 86 11 86.

Type of property Houses
Advert Category Sale
Property status Brand new construction
Energetic certificate A
Floor area 170 m2
Area size of lands 747 m2
County Bratislavský kraj
District Malacky
Town Kostolište


Slovakia's roots can be traced to the 9th century state of Great Moravia. Subsequently, the Slovaks became part of the Hungarian Kingdom, where they remained for the next 1,000 years. Following the formation of the dual Austro-Hungarian monarchy in 1867, language and education policies favoring the use of Hungarian (Magyarization) resulted in a strengthening of Slovak nationalism and a cultivation of cultural ties with the closely related Czechs, who were under Austrian rule. After the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at the close of World War I, the Slovaks joined the Czechs to form Czechoslovakia. During the interwar period, Slovak nationalist leaders pushed for autonomy within Czechoslovakia, and in 1939 Slovakia became an independent state allied with Nazi Germany. Following World War II, Czechoslovakia was reconstituted and came under communist rule within Soviet-dominated Eastern Europe. In 1968, an invasion by Warsaw Pact troops ended the efforts of the country's leaders to liberalize communist rule and create "socialism with a human face," ushering in a period of repression known as "normalization." The peaceful "Velvet Revolution" swept the Communist Party from power at the end of 1989 and inaugurated a return to democratic rule and a market economy. On 1 January 1993, the country underwent a nonviolent "velvet divorce" into its two national components, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Slovakia joined both NATO and the EU in the spring of 2004 and the euro zone on 1 January 2009.

Location: Central Europe, south of Poland

Geographic coordinates: 48 40 N, 19 30 E
  total: 49,035 sq km
  land: 48,105 sq km
  water: 930 sq km
  country comparison to the world: 131
  total: 1,611 km
  border countries (5): Austria 105 km, Czech Republic 241 km, Hungary 627 km, Poland 541 km, Ukraine 97 km
  temperate; cool summers; cold, cloudy, humid winters
 rugged mountains in the central and northern part and lowlands in the south
  lowest point: Bodrok River 94 m
  highest point: Gerlachovsky Stit 2,655 m
  agricultural land: 40.1%
  arable land 28.9%; permanent crops 0.4%; permanent pasture 10.8%
  forest: 40.2%
  other: 19.7% (2011 est.)